

Sports rehab is conducted by The 康复中心 and 健康中心 sports rehab team, one of the best in the region. 这个团队由IM电竞App官网的物理治疗师、职业治疗师、教练和医生组成. 本地运动员, primarily involved in high school athletics, 是否对他们的特殊伤害或需要进行评估,并根据需要提供后续治疗.

学生们在当地的高中和博克斯比特综合医院的康复和健康中心接受筛查. 这些筛查允许对损伤进行免费评估,并为运动员提供后续护理建议,或在需要时建议转诊给您的医生.

每位运动员都有资格在康复和健康中心与运动康复团队进行两次免费访问. Athletes receiving care are progressed back to play as soon and as safely as possible. Each athlete receives individualized care that is specialized to their unique needs. Through coordination of your trainer, 教练, 和医生, you as an athlete can receive the care you need to return to the sport you play.

Dr. Brian Shelmadine also provides a Monday Morning Clinic for student-athletes. For more information on this clinic call GNMSS at 308-762-7244.